根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Shiraz Cabernet 2010 Cork 澳洲奔富奔富王設拉子赤霞珠紅酒木塞

100 points by James Suckling
99 points by Robert Parker The Wine Advocate
98 points by Wine Spectator
Penfolds Grange Bin 95

Grange is arguably Australia’s most celebrated wine and is officially listed as a Heritage Icon of South Australia. Grange boasts an unbroken line of vintages from the experimental 1951 and clearly demonstrates the synergy between Shiraz and the soils and climates of South Australia. Grange utilises fully-ripe, intensely-flavoured and textured Shiraz grapes. The result is a unique Australian style that is now recognised as one of the most consistent of the world’s great wines. The Grange style is the original and most powerful expression of Penfolds multi-vineyard, multi-district, blending philosophy.

商品條碼 PF-GS-95-10-C
物品類型 紅酒
容量 750亳升
年份 2010
您正在評論:Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Shiraz Cabernet 2010 Cork 澳洲奔富奔富王設拉子赤霞珠紅酒木塞