Penfolds Bin 150 Marananga Shiraz 2014 Cork 澳洲奔富紅酒瑪拉南戈設拉子
94 points by James Suckling
94 points by The Wine Front
94 points by The Wine Front

"盡顯西巴羅莎特色。此款新世紀出產的設拉子極具個性,既不屬於聖亨利系列,亦不屬於RWT系列,而是瑪拉南戈的Bin 150設拉子。"
"在500升的木桶中熟化,締造與眾不同的Bin 150......"
“Shouts out Western Barossa. This Shiraz, spawn out of the new Millennium, has quickly established its own following – it’s not a mini St Henri or junior RWT. It is Bin 150 Shiraz, from Marananga.”
“Maturation in 500-litre puncheons is starting to make its desired stylistic Bin 150 point-of-difference…”
商品條碼 | PF-MS-150-14-C |
物品類型 | 紅酒 |
容量 | 750亳升 |
年份 | 2014 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |