Penfolds Bin 407 Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Cork Gift 澳洲奔富紅酒赤霞珠木塞禮盒裝
"此刻來說... 看上去更像Bin 707,而未展現Bin 707品種特色。"
95分《2014年詹姆斯•哈利德澳大利亞葡萄酒指南》 (澳大利亞) Bin 407赤霞珠2012
95 points 2014 James Halliday Australian Wine Companion (Australia) Bin 407 Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
90分《葡萄酒觀察家》雜誌(美國) Bin 407赤霞珠2012
90 points Wine Spectator Magazine (US) Bin 407 Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
隨著優質赤霞珠的日益普及,Penfolds 在1993 年發布了首創年份1990 年的Bin 407 。 Bin 407 的靈感來自Bin 707,它不僅展現了赤霞珠的獨特風味,而且結構清晰,極具層次感。 Bin 407 是Penfolds 酒莊跨產區、跨葡萄園選材的混釀成果,適當運用法國和美國橡木桶來熟化葡萄酒,成功地保留了以成熟果實為核心的結構。
Launched with the 1990 vintage in 1993, Bin 407 was developed in response to the increasing availability of high quality Cabernet Sauvignon fruit. Inspired by Bin 707, Bin 407 offers varietal definition and approachability, yet still with structure and depth of flavour. Textbook Cabernet Sauvignon, the varietally expressive Bin 407 highlights the rewards of Penfolds multi-region, multi-vineyard blending, with a core of ripe fruit supported by sensitive use of French and American oak.
商品條碼 | C-552200 |
物品類型 | 紅酒 |
容量 | 750亳升 |
年份 | 2014 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |