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Clarins Lift Affine Visage Shaping Facial Lift 50Ml V輪廓緊緻精華 50亳升

C- 3380810270990

CLARINS No. 1 contouring serum*, with 21-year expertise in plant scientific research, upgraded the Shaping Facial Lift to new V Shaping Facial Lift, based on Asian women’s facial features and needs.
Formulated with organic agropyron extract & various natural plant extracts, boosts skin’s collagen by 158 %** , helps to uplift your contour and strengthens the facial contour support network; fight against aging and gravity, and help to reveal your own youthful V shape naturally!
*Internal sales data
**In vitro test

3 Key functions to help you reveal your own V shape comprehensively
Uplift: With anti-gravity power & clinically proven uplifting effect, uplift your contour instantly.
Depuff: Limit excessive water retention in skin tissue to prevent facial puffiness.
Slim: Destock lipids in order to reduce the volume of the adipose tissue and double chin.

New CLARINS Auto-lifting Method can enhance the instant V-face result. Seated head down, completely relaxed or standing up, in front of a mirror. Rest the full weight of your head on your palms, following the V-line of your face:
1. Clavicular hollows: place the fingertips in the hollows of the collarbones and gently exert pressure. Press & release 3 times.
2. Eyes & forehead: place the base of your palms over your eyes & eye contours, covering them and the forehead completely. Support the weight of your head with your hands, 10 secs.
3. Cheekbones: open your hands slightly and place your palms over your cheekbones. Press & release 3 time, 10 secs.
4. Face: Move your hands slightly down so that they cover your entire face, separating them a little to leave room for the nose, 10 secs.
5. Chin & jaw: envelop the lower part of your face with your hands, placing your index fingers behind your ears. Apply pressure, supporting the full weight of your head with your hands, 10secs.
6. Under the jaw: Clench your fists and place them under your jaw. Let the weight of your head rest on your fists to exert pressure on your jaw, 10 secs.
7. Repeat step 1 & finish.

CLARINS No. 1 輪廓緊緻權威*,凝聚21年植物科研經驗,推出全新升級版V輪廓緊緻精華,專為亞洲女性研發,破天荒加入有機冰草及多種天然植物萃取,激活膠原蛋白增生158%**,逆轉歲月定律; 強效提拉,鞏固肌膚支撐網絡,逆轉地心吸力,讓妳的年輕V輪廓再次展現!

3重功效 - 全方位打造緊緻V臉

全新CLARINS Auto-Lifting 按摩手法,可加強即時緊緻V面效果,坐下垂低頭或站立望向鏡子,用手掌托著頭部,沿著面部V輪廓按摩:
1. 先用手指尖於鎖骨上的凹位按壓,然後放鬆,重覆3次。
2. 雙眼及額頭: 手掌下半部置於在眼下,雙手將眼部及前額完全覆蓋,用雙手托著頭部,維持10秒。
3. 顴骨: 稍稍分開雙掌,按著顴骨,按下然後鬆開,重覆3次,每次10秒。
4. 面部: 雙手向下移覆蓋全面,不要遮蓋鼻子。維持10秒。
5. 下巴及下顎: 用雙手包裹面的下半部,食指置於耳後,用力按壓,雙手支撐著整個頭部的重量。維持10秒。
6. 下顎線: 雙手握拳置於下顎,拳頭托著頭部, 利用頭部的重量按壓下顎線。
7. 重覆步驟1 ,即完成整套按摩手法。

商品條碼 3380810270990
您正在評論:Clarins Lift Affine Visage Shaping Facial Lift 50Ml V輪廓緊緻精華 50亳升