Anna Sui La Nuit De Boheme Gold Eau De Toilette 75ml / 2.5oz 波希米亞之夜女士LA NUIT(金裝)淡香水75毫升
波希米亞之夜 淡香水傳達出一種獨一無二的力量- 優雅、充滿著魅力和性感。 充滿了神秘的氛圍,一種蠢蠢欲動的慾望。 她展開雙臂,歡迎夜晚的到來, 她歡欣跳躍地加入,了解自己那純然女性所帶來的誘人魔力。 其神秘調性讓香味基調變得十分美妙,花木果香味讓人想起迷人的魔力、奢華與炫麗。 而這一切不過是夜晚的前奏而已。
隨著香檳和午夜黑苺的冒泡聲一同開啟,飄散的香味緩步加深為鍍金荷花、玫瑰花瓣™的香味,日落沈香木則延長了夜晚的嬉戲時間。 最後則散發出雪松心、海地香莢蘭、印度薄荷和金柏樹脂的香味。 一瓶散發著純金光澤,閃耀不再的香水。
La Nuit de Bohème Eau de Toilette conveys a power that nothing else has. One of elegance and sophistication. Luxury and femininity. There is an air of mystery about it, a seductive allure that captures the heart and stirs the senses. Welcoming the night with open arms, she dances into it, aware of her flirty, girly charm. And the notes are as delicious as they are mysterious, a Floral-Woody-Fruity scent that is redolent of glamour, lavishness, and extravagance. It is all a prelude to the night. 
Opening with the fizz of Champagne Citrus and Midnight Blackberry, the fragrance deepens to Gilded Lotus Flower, Rose Petale? and the lengthening play of evening with Sunset Oud Wood. As a final finish, it plays out with Cedarwood Heart, Haitian Vanilla Orchid, Indonesian Patchouli, and Golden Amber Resin. A gilded, glistening fragrance of pure gold.
商品條碼 | 85715061034 |
包裝 | 1支 |
容量 | 75亳升 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |